Best Domain Name Registrars

When you want to build website. the most important thing is the address of your website.It is called domain name.

Precautions While Buying a Domain Name :-
  • Check the best and the cheapest Price from several Registrars.
  • Check the Domain Renewal Price before registering because some registrars have cheapest prices for first year but thereafter the renewal prices are higher than others, this is for marketing purposes , you should aware of this.
  • In future, if you want to transfer them to other registrar, check that it is transferable or not.
Choose the registrar which has following things :-
  • Choose a ICANN accredited domain registrar.
  • Choose a registrar that offers reasonable prices.
  • Choose a registrar that offers complete customer support.
  • Choose a registrar that offers add-on services.

Here are some best Registrars :-

  • Namecheap offers stellar customer support, free services like URL forwarding and email, and if you do have more money to burn, you can get advanced services like Dynamic DNS and SSL certificates at bargain prices.
  • You can check their features here.
  • Pricing details are here.
  • Domain Renewal Price is around ~10$
2. Net4