Choosing the particular subject for your blog

Your blogging depends on the subject & content which you are choosing.

There is one question for the person who wants to make a blog
"Which topic should i write about?"

This is the biggest decision for the blog. Popularity of blog depends on this decision.
Here are the three points to know when you take decision....

  1. Your passion – topic that you really love and care about
  2. Your assets – topic that you are really good at
  3. Market reality – topic there is interest and demand for

If you have idea for more than one topic, I would recommend taking one topic at a time. Start one site, give it some 3-6 months, focus on writing good and quality content, focus on promoting it to your audience. After some time, the process will become easier, you will get into the rhythm of writing 2-3 posts a week and marketing will not be much more than sending out a tweet about your article. You will be able to automate by writing on a consistent schedule and encouraging your visitors / subscribers / Twitter followers to spread the word about it, which will leave you with more time to start another site.

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